The dreaded machine

It’s dark, quiet and still, I’m alone where am I? I feel around me, touch hard walls and ceiling Oh god I’m still in the machine, I can’t move, I scream, I wake in a sweat – Thank god, it’s a dream But today it’s real, I’ll quietly submit to the needles and...

Alone part 2 – the good side

Alone – tbe good side A momentary frisson of naughtiness accompanied my cavalier ignorance of the sink full of washing up last night. I went to bed while it was still light, eating my Ubered dinner in bed, a teatowel serving as a napkin, watching silly comedies...


it’s fucking lonely being alone. By myself, on a shelf of my own construction. I only have myself to blame … chickens roost beside me …It’s all the same, I’m not in the game, never was, never will be. One day soon I’ll be gone, leaving no trace in the place I was...

Hey Donnie

He’s now a convicted felon I’d rather a watermelon Was President But I’m not a resident narcissistic, nasty, deranged The voters couldn’t be stranger A wannabe dictator Democracy see ya later America will fail Put him in...


I hear the sirens coming Who are they coming for Is it a brawl or a car smash Maybe someone stole some cash Or Is someone lying on the floor? While their child screams for help Suburban streets hide mayhem Behind closed doors Did he beat her black and blue? Did the...